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Sang Director, Fikri Hidayat, mengarahkan para pemain di ketinggian 350 meter di dinding Tower 2 Gunung Parang (Credit Photo : Kompas.Com / Wahyu P) |
Cukup banyak film yang bercerita tentang olah raga ekstrim seperti panjat tebing, mendaki gunung, meniti tali, lompat bebas, tapi itu di luar negeri, tidak di dalam negeri.
Dan cukup banyak iklan yang berlatar belakang olahraga ekstrim yang dibuat oleh para sutradara, tapi itu sutradara luar negeri, bukan sutradara asli Indonesia.
Quite a lot of films that tells about extreme sports like rock climbing, mountaineering, slackline, base jump, free fall, but it is abroad, not in Indonesia.
And quite a lot of advertising background extreme sports made by the director, but the international director, not native Indonesia director.
Berangkat dari ide-ide liar dari seorang Fikri Hidayat, salah seorang editor dari Kompas.Com yang sebelumnya telah membuat sebuah film pendek 'Manusia Cecak dari Gunung Parang', sebuah film dokumenter yang bercerita tentang pemajatan "Free Solo" yang pertama di Gunung Parang, terutama di Asia, oleh seorang anak kampung Cihuni, Miftah.
Departing from wild ideas of a Fikri Hidayat, one of the editors of Kompas.Com who has previously made a short film 'Geckos Man from Mount Parang', a documentary that tells the story of the first "Free Solo" Climbing on Mount Parang, particularly in Asia, by a Cihuni village boy, Miftah.
Film ini menjadi sebuah babak baru film dokumenter tentang dunia panjat tebing di Indonesia, karena pertama kalinya pemanjatan bebas tanpa tali dan pengaman dilakukan di Indonesia, khususnya di Gunung Parang.And quite a lot of advertising background extreme sports made by the director, but the international director, not native Indonesia director.
Departing from wild ideas of a Fikri Hidayat, one of the editors of Kompas.Com who has previously made a short film 'Geckos Man from Mount Parang', a documentary that tells the story of the first "Free Solo" Climbing on Mount Parang, particularly in Asia, by a Cihuni village boy, Miftah.
Dan terlebih lagi oleh seorang anak kampung Cihuni, yang besar dan hidup di kaki Gunung Parang, dan terbilang baru mengenal dunia panjat tebing profesional.
Gebrakan film dokumenter 'manusia cecak' membawa dunia panjat tebing di Indonesia ke tingkat yang lebih ekstrim lagi, dan membuat sebuah rekor baru di Indonesia dan Asia tentunya.
The film became a new chapter documentary about the world of rock climbing in Indonesia, for the first time solo free climbing in Indonesia, particularly in the Mount Parang.
And moreover by a Cihuni village boy, large and live at the foot of Mount Parang, and relatively new to the world of professional rock climbing.
The breakthrough documentary 'Geckos Man from Mount Parang' brings the world of rock climbing in Indonesia to a more extreme level, and create a new record in Indonesia and of course Asia.
The film became a new chapter documentary about the world of rock climbing in Indonesia, for the first time solo free climbing in Indonesia, particularly in the Mount Parang.
And moreover by a Cihuni village boy, large and live at the foot of Mount Parang, and relatively new to the world of professional rock climbing.
The breakthrough documentary 'Geckos Man from Mount Parang' brings the world of rock climbing in Indonesia to a more extreme level, and create a new record in Indonesia and of course Asia.
Dari sini, Fikri Hidayat, melanjutkan proyeknya kembali dengan membuat sebuah film petualangan ekstrim di Gunung Parang, sekali lagi dengan Miftah yang disandingkan dengan Abiyoga, seorang talent yang tidak mengenal bahkan memanjat tebing sama sekali, dengan latar belakang yang bercerita tentang petualangan panjat tebing di dinding Gunung Parang.
From here, Fikri Hidayat, continuing the project back by creating an extreme adventure film on Mount Parang, again with Miftah coupled with Abiyoga, a talent who do not know even a rock-climbing at all, with a background that tells about the adventures climbing wall Mount Parang.
From here, Fikri Hidayat, continuing the project back by creating an extreme adventure film on Mount Parang, again with Miftah coupled with Abiyoga, a talent who do not know even a rock-climbing at all, with a background that tells about the adventures climbing wall Mount Parang.
Suplai 50 Liter Air dalam 24 jam
Ide cerita yang gila, dan persiapan yang singkat, tidak menyurutkan niat untuk mengejar hasil yang maksimal dengan tenggat produksi yang ketat.
Tim Kompas.Com dan Badega Gunung Parang akhirnya dapat menyelesaikan proyek film ini dengan nilai faktor keselamatan yang memuaskan.
The idea of a crazy story, and the preparation is short, do not dampen the intention to pursue the maximum results with rigorous production deadlines.
Kompas.Com team and Badega Gunung Parang finally able to complete the film project with a satisfactory safety factor value.
The idea of a crazy story, and the preparation is short, do not dampen the intention to pursue the maximum results with rigorous production deadlines.
Kompas.Com team and Badega Gunung Parang finally able to complete the film project with a satisfactory safety factor value.
Suplai logistik, terutama air di musim kemarau yang melanda di Gunung Parang, juga merupakan sebuah hambatan yang perlu diperhitungkan dan memerlukan sebuah strategi tersendiri. Karena jangan sampai semua tim yang sedang melakukan syuting di atas ketinggian dinding Gunung Parang menderita dehidrasi.
Untuk itulah suplai air sebanyak hampir 50 liter per hari diperlukan tenaga ekstra yang membuat tim pendukung harus bolak-balik naik turun dari Base Camp ke Pitch 6 (kurang lebih setinggi 350 meter) dalam kurun waktu 24 jam, yang membuat pergerakan tim sedikit terhambat, namun pada akhirnya bisa terselesaikan juga.
Logistics supply, especially in the dry season which struck at Mount Parang, is also an obstacle that needs to be taken into account and requires a separate strategy. Because not to all the teams who are shooting above the height of the walls of Mount Parang suffering from dehydration.
For this reason water supply as much as nearly 50 liters per day needed extra power makes the support team had to go back and forth up and down from Base Camp to Pitch 6 (approximately as high as 350 meters) within a period of 24 hours, which makes the movement of the team slightly delayed, but eventually be resolved as well.
Logistics supply, especially in the dry season which struck at Mount Parang, is also an obstacle that needs to be taken into account and requires a separate strategy. Because not to all the teams who are shooting above the height of the walls of Mount Parang suffering from dehydration.
For this reason water supply as much as nearly 50 liters per day needed extra power makes the support team had to go back and forth up and down from Base Camp to Pitch 6 (approximately as high as 350 meters) within a period of 24 hours, which makes the movement of the team slightly delayed, but eventually be resolved as well.
Jatuh 10 Meter di ketinggian 450 meter !
Bagi pemanjat tebing, jatuh dari tebing adalah hal biasa jika melalui jalur-jalur sulit.
Tapi mungkin ceritanya akan lain, jika adegan jatuh diperankan oleh talent yang tidak pernah memanjat tebing sama sekali, bahkan jatuhnya tidak tanggung-tanggung, di ketinggian 450 meter di Tower 2 Gunung Parang sepanjang 10 meter.
For rock climbers, fell from a cliff is common when through difficult paths.
But perhaps the story would have been different, if the scene crashed played by talent that never climb at all, even fall no half-hearted, at an altitude of 450 meters in the Mount Parang Tower 2 along 10 meters.
For rock climbers, fell from a cliff is common when through difficult paths.
But perhaps the story would have been different, if the scene crashed played by talent that never climb at all, even fall no half-hearted, at an altitude of 450 meters in the Mount Parang Tower 2 along 10 meters.
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Adegan jatuh di ketinggian 450 meter, cukup bikin jantung talent hampir copot |
Disinilah tim Badega Gunung Parang harus ekstra hati-hati, dan menyiapkan semua pengaman dengan sempurna, tidak ada boleh ada kesalahan, dan semua harus di back up, dan di cek ulang tanpa terkecuali.
This is where the team Badega Gun Parang be extra cautious, and prepared all with perfect safety, there should be no errors, and all must be backed up, and cross checked without exception.
This is where the team Badega Gun Parang be extra cautious, and prepared all with perfect safety, there should be no errors, and all must be backed up, and cross checked without exception.
Bersyukur, adegan jatuh yang dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, berhasil dilakukan oleh Abiyoga dengan sempurna, dan membuatnya cukup lama untuk normal kembali.
Terbayang jantung hampir copot ketika harus jatuh sejauh 10 meter diketinggian 450 meter, penyiksaan talent yang sempurna !
Grateful, fall scenes performed 2 times, successfully carried out by Abiyoga perfectly, and make it long enough to get back to normal.
Imagined heart almost dislodged when it should fall as far as 10 meters altitude of 450 meters, torture talent perfect!
Yuk, kita tunggu dan saksikan film petualangan ekstrim dengan citarasa lokal....
Let's wait and see extreme adventure movie with a local flavor ....
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Tim Kompas.Com berfoto bersama Badega Gunung Parang |